Thousands of fans came out to see celebrities like Stan Lee,
William Shatner, Nathan Fillion and the cast of Firefly/Serenity,
Alice Cooper, Robert England, the cast of The Walking Dead,
Star Trek: Next Generation and many more.
Here I am selling my books and meeting sci-fi horror fans.
Tomb Raider: her costume says it all.
I shared a booth with award winning sci-fi author Paul Black.
You should check out his books.
Walked past this Nazi creature with a gas mask
and thought he looked quite familiar.
Below are some cool masks.
Thought this guy was pretty wicked looking.
I so wanted to go for a ride in the landspeeder.
Partying with friends and Yoda
Saturday night After Party at Gilley's.
Ran into an old friend, Kristen.
I see her every year at Texas Frightmare Weekend.
Who doesn't love the Ninja Turtles?